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5 Reasons to Provide Push In Therapy


Whether you work in the schools or in the home, here are 5 reasons to provide push in therapy within a child’s natural environment:

1. You have the chance to see first hand during each session what functional tasks or skills need improvement.

2. The child’s normal daily routine is not interrupted. If it is during school hours, the child will not be missing important class instruction.

3. You can provide and use only materials that are in the classroom or home making it more feasible for teachers and parents to carry over activities when you are not there.

4. You can actually see whether your environmental modifications are appropriate. Are teachers or parents able to carry out your recommendations to use adaptive equipment or modify assignments?

5. The teachers and parents can observe what you are doing each time making it easier for them to incorporate any techniques into the child’s normal day everyday not just 2 times per week for 30 minutes.

Practical Strategies for Pediatric Therapists - Pushing Into the Classroom Webinar

Access the Pushing Into the Classroom: Practical Strategies for Pediatric Therapists – Webinar

Need simple ideas for activities in the home or classroom?  Therapeutic Activities for Home and School provides pediatric therapists with over forty, uncomplicated, reproducible activity sheets and tips that can be given to parents and teachers. Each activity sheet is written in a simple format with no medical terminology. The therapist is able to simply mark the recommended activities for each child. By providing parents and teachers with these handy checklists, therapists will be encouraging therapeutic activities throughout the entire day rather than time set aside for traditional home exercise programs. This book is a essential tool for school based therapists to facilitate carry over of therapeutic activities in the home and classroom. Find out more information.

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