
Student Strengths in the Classroom – Find the Positive

We have all witnessed it.  Students with special needs often receive negative comments or misconstrued negative comments.  Day after day, students or parents are frequently told to fix this, increase this or improve that. How about finding the positive and looking for student strengths in the classroom? When we encourage students that they can do it because they are capable it is so important. They know we are on their “team” and that we believe in them. Don’t forget to download the FREE positive affirmation pack at the bottom of this post too!

Students or parents are frequently told to fix this or improve that. How about finding the positive and looking for student strengths in the classroom? 

Combine positive affirmations for kids and proprioceptive input with The Positive Path.  Children can jump along the path or do wall push-ups while they read words of encouragement.

We all know every student has strengths.  It is our job as teachers, therapists and parents, to help students utilize their strengths and talents to the best of their abilities.  Temple Grandin says it best – “There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN do, instead of what he cannot do.

Need Help to Determine Student Strengths in the Classroom?

When we help students find their strengths it can help with motivational level and internal drive to improve.  For example, if a student has a wonderful imagination utilize that when teaching new skills.

If you need some help to determine positive attributes and talents in students finish some of these statements (with the student and parents help):

1.  This student is best at…
2.  This student has an amazing ability to…
3.  This student is frequently recognized for…
4.  This student smiles when…
5.  This student is happiest when…
6.  This student participates the most when…
7.  This student does this better than any other student…
8.  This student is highly interested in…
9.  This student is highly motivated by…
10.  This student always takes pride in his/her work when…

Try Being More Specific About Student Strengths

If you need more suggestions to pinpoint student strengths in the classroom, then consider some of these character traits to help guide you.

  • energetic
  • loving
  • kind
  • creative
  • outgoing
  • determined
  • adventurous
  • cooperative
  • trustworthy
  • leader
  • playful
  • courageous
  • funny
  • smart
  • helpful
  • bossy
  • confident
  • persistent

Read more character traits here.

Use Positive Affirmations to Support Students

Positive affirmations for children (and mantras) are terrific tools to teach to support students. They help them develop a healthy sense of self as well as a positive mental-social-emotional mindset.

Affirmations are short; positive “I am” statements that call you into an intentional way of being.  They should be accompanied by a visual image and inspire visceral sensations.   When you use an affirmation, you should experience yourself as you are declaring.

You can read more about teaching positive affirmations to children here.

Download FREE Positive Affirmation Below

Positive Affirmation for Children Free Printables

Sign up to receive the weekly email newsletter and other announcements from Your Therapy Source and you will be redirected to this AWESOME FREE 5 page printable.

What Are Your Strengths as a Student or Provider?

Take a moment to pause and self-reflect and answer the question – what are your strengths as a student or provider?

Sit down with your students and remind them that every individual has their own unique set of talents. There’s nothing wrong with this, and it’s a key advantage that separates you from the person standing next to you. Using your talents to the best of your ability helps make the World a more diverse and exciting place.

We all have superpowers, but many of us are too busy with our daily lives to harness them. It’s time we stop thinking about these powers as something minor and start looking at their skills that can better shape the future for everyone involved in it positively.

Make a list of your strengths and work to build upon your own super powers.

If you are having trouble making the list, try answering these questions:

  • Is it easy for you to learn new material?
  • Do you enjoy adventures outside of school or work time?
  • Are you good at building or constructing things?
  • Are you athletic?
  • Do you finish everything that you start?
  • Are you super organized?
  • Do you flourish with routine?
  • Are you creative?
  • Do you have an even disposition and always go with the flow?
  • Are you able to easily get along with others?
  • Do you stand up for yourself or others?
  • Do you thrive under stress?

Remember, the things that are special about you are the most valuable. They make you different from all the other people in the world. The most unique things about you are what the world needs from you. Use your talents to your advantage.

Positive Affirmation Resources

Combine positive affirmations for kids and proprioceptive input with The Positive Path.  Children can jump along the path or do wall push-ups while they read words of encouragement.


Support student strengths in the classroom by combining positive affirmations for kids and proprioceptive input with The Positive Path.  Children can jump along the path or do wall push-ups while they read words of encouragement.  Students can benefit from proprioceptive input to help get their bodies ready to learn.

Using the power of positive thinking with daily affirmations and physical activity can help students get their brain and bodies ready to tackle the school day.  FIND OUT MORE.

Positive Affirmation Posters and Cards for Children: This is an electronic book of 25 positive affirmation posters (8.5″ x 11″) and smaller cards of the posters (4.25″ x 2.75″).  Empower children to realize all of their talents.  All too often, children with special needs are told what they are unable to do, how about teach them what they can do!  Positive affirmations help children to believe in themselves. The posters include simple text, animal pictures that complement the text and colorful backgrounds.  Hang them up around the house, class or therapy room and provide the child with the small cards to carry around to reinforce the concept.  FIND OUT MORE.

Related Resources




Read and download a huge list of child’s strengths.


Students or parents are frequently told to fix this or improve that. How about finding the positive and looking for student strengths in the classroom?