How to Do A Jumping Jack

How to do a jumping jack? Seems pretty easy right - a simple jumping jack.  Well, it actually isn't that easy!  This exercise can be done anywhere with no equipment and it is a full body workout!

How to do a jumping jack? Seems pretty easy right – a simple jumping jack. Well, it actually isn’t that easy! This exercise can be done anywhere with no equipment and it is a full body workout!

If you are a school based OT or PT, you most likely have taught students how to do jumping jacks. Children should be able to perform this skill around age 5. Although this motor activity can be difficult for children to master. You can get your FREE hand out with video demonstration at the bottom of the post. This is from the Cardio Aerobic Exercises for Small Spaces packet.

Step By Step Directions of How to Do a Jumping Jack

Here are the steps to complete a jumping jack:

  1. Put your arms at your side, elbows straight, and feet together.
  2. Jump your feet apart and lift your arms over your head.
  3. Clap your hands together over your head.
  4. Bring your hands back down by your side and jump your feet
    back together.
  5. Keep your breathing steady.

How to Help Children Learn Jumping Jacks

Since this skill can be hard to master for some children, here are a few tips:

  • provide additional verbal cues for when the body is straight (ie pencil or letter X) and for when the legs are apart (ie airplane or letter I).
  • demonstrate the skill before the children start to do the exercise
  • offer a video demonstration of the jumping jack for the children to watch (see below to get your FREE hand out with video demonstration).

Benefits of Doing Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a powerful exercise. Doing these exercises encourages:

  • cardio respiratory fitness
  • physical activity
  • bilateral coordination skills
  • motor timing
  • motor planning
  • muscle strengthening
  • proprioceptive input
  • vestibular input
  • rhythm

Download your FREE Handout with QR Code Video Demonstration

This Cardio Aerobic Exercises for Small Spaces digital download packet includes 15 aerobic exercise sheets including QR codes with links to animated video demonstration of each exercise. 

This free hand out is from the complete Cardio Aerobic Exercises for Small Spaces. Research tells us that short aerobic exercise sessions can help children with: cognitive flexibility, self-regulation, behavior, and academic achievement!

This Cardio Aerobic Exercises for Small Spaces digital download packet includes 15 aerobic exercise sheets including QR codes with links to animated video demonstration of each exercise. 

This Cardio Aerobic Exercises for Small Spaces digital download packet includes 15 aerobic exercise sheets including QR codes with links to animated video demonstration of each exercise.