How to Increase Student Participation in School Activities
Are you struggling trying to figure out how to increase student participation in school activities? It can be hard to motivate students to start, to sustain and to increase their levels of participation. Here are 11 suggestions to increase student participation in school based activities.
Student Choice
Allow the students to choose activities. Have several activities available that will accomplish the same end results and let them choose. Need to plan in advance, ask the student the session before what activity they would like to work on next. Maybe provide the student with homework to plan out some activities that will help them to achieve their goals.
Work with their Peers to Increase Student Participation in School Activities
Most students enjoy working with a partner to problem solve and to throw in some social interaction. If a student does not receive group sessions would this be a possibility to increase his/her interest during a school activity? If you are doing distance or online learning, could you invite another student to join the Google Meet or Zoom meeting? Try using some of our interactive games.
Could you assign a group project that they can pick a partner to work with to problem solve and complete the assignment?
Work with Technology
Most technology use is a real barrier breaker especially for students with special needs. It is unique in that you can be 10 years younger than someone else but you may know more about technology. Sometimes a skill that is being worked on for possibly years during school could be achieved through the use of technology. Not sure where to start, ask another middle school student to help you.
There are many available resources to help guide where to start.
Connect the Real World to the Work that We Do
If your student is getting tired of practicing something over and over, perhaps take a field trip to show them why they need the skill. Can’t take a field trip try a virtual field trip. Another idea to increase student participation in school activities would be to find a video on the internet explaining why the skill is beneficial. Maybe ask the student to think up a project to complete that will affect the real world. Working on handwriting skills, how about a letter campaign to fix something that the student feels needs to change?
Love What You Do
Be enthusiastic as the teacher. If you are bored and monotone, it rubs off on students. Keep therapy and school learning fun and exciting. Having great role models helps to increase student participation in school activities.
Get Me Out of My Seat
Let students move during learning sessions as much as possible. They are required to sit for such long lengths of time. Throw in movement when working on skills.
Use Visuals
If a student is not understanding what you are asking he/she to do, use a visual. Again, show a video, use picture symbols or physically demonstrate yourself. Brainworks offers a HUGE collection of visuals. Check out these visual supports to make schedules too!
Understand the Kids
This can be difficult at times. But get to know your students. What are their likes and dislikes? Use those to your advantage to keep them engaged.
Mix It Up to Increase Student Participation in School Activities
Change up how you are practicing an activity. This is a great motor learning concept. Humans needs to learn motor skills in different environments and settings to truly learn a skill. Use different materials, practice in different rooms, practice outdoors and practice with different people.
Be Human
Engage with the kids. They need role models who can show that it is okay to try and maybe you will make a mistake along the way. So if an activity that you wanted to try didn’t work out as you expected (we have all been there) tell the student that you made a mistake. Explain to them that if we try it a different way in the future it may be more beneficial. Not sure how to fix it, ask the student first they may just have the best idea of all!
Empower Your Students to Increase Student Participation in School Activities
Empower children to realize all of their talents. All too often, children with special needs are told what they are unable to do, how about teach them what they can do! Positive affirmations help children to believe in themselves. Check out the Positive Affirmation Posters and Cards for Children.
Combine positive affirmations for kids and proprioceptive input with The Positive Path. Children can jump along the path or do wall push-ups while they read words of encouragement. Students can benefit from proprioceptive input to help get their bodies ready to learn.
Using the power of positive thinking with daily affirmations and physical activity can help students get their brain and bodies ready to tackle the school day.
Reference: Heather Wolpert-Gawron. Kids Speak Out on Student Engagement. Retrieved from the web on 10/14/13 at