February Journal Prompts for Kids
As the days grow a little bit longer and the weather starts to warm up a bit, many teachers and parents are looking for February journal prompts for kids. While there are many different ideas out there, we’ve put together a few of our favorites to get you started. They are not all about this month of love either! Whether your child is into love and relationships or exploring their creative side, these prompts will help them start off the month on the right track. So get ready for some February journaling fun!
You can download a list of February Journal Prompts at the bottom of this post so you can make your own free printable journal.
What Skills Are Students Working on With these February Writing Prompts?
When kids complete these writing prompts, they are working on the following skills:
- handwriting
- written expression
- literacy
- imagination
- creativity
- social skills and more!
Most of these prompts are suitable for elementary students. You can make them easier or harder depending upon the grades. For example, kindergarten or first grade students could simply draw their responses.
Handwriting Foundations Screen – Fantastic Fingers®
February Writing Prompts Calendar – Feb 1 to Feb 14 (Valentine’s Day)
February 1: Black History Month – February is also known as Black History Month. February 1st is the birthday of Jackie Robinson, who was the first black man to play in major league baseball. Write about how it would feel to be the first person to accomplish a new skill.
February 2: Groundhog Day – On this day we get a preview of whether or not winter is ending. The groundhog comes out of the ground and people check if he sees his shadow. Write a fictional story using this story prompt – I woke up in the morning and I didn’t see my shadow. I quickly realized that the sun did not come up. I jumped out of bed and …
February 3: Elmo’s Birthday – Write about how you would throw a party to celebrate his birthday.
February 4: National Bubble Gum Day – Finish this story starter – After chewing an entire pack of gum, I started to blow the biggest bubble of my life. Slowly, I started to lift into the air and…
February 5: Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day – Write a recipe for a breakfast sundae.
February 6: Pay a Compliment Day – Write a list of people that includes a few friends or a family member. Write one compliment next to each of their names.
February 7: Send a Card to a Friend Day – Write a poem to your best friend and give it to them.
February 8: Safer Internet Day – Write a list of 5 things you would do to make the internet safer.
February Journal Prompts Feb 9: National Pizza Day – Invent a new pizza flavor and describe how you would make it. Don’t forget to name it!
February 10: National Umbrella Day – Finish the story starter I was walking down the busy city street, when I saw a strange man with a colorful umbrella. I began to follow him but suddenly…
February 11: National Inventors Day – Thomas Edison was a famous inventor. Think of a problem you experience in your life. Write down the problem and describe an invention that you could create to fix the problem.
February 12: Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday – President Lincoln worked hard to make changes to end slavery. Write about a cause and how you can help to make a change in the world.
February 13: Get a Different Name Day – If you could pick any name in the world for yourself, what would you choose and why?
February 14: Valentine’s Day – Write about 5 people, places, or things you love and explain why.
Desk Buddy Reference Strips and Adaptive Handwriting and Math Paper
February Journal Prompts for Kids – Feb 15 to Feb 28
February 15: Lantern Festival Day – If you could light a lantern in honor of someone, who would it be and why?
February 16: National Almond Day – Almonds are used in candy, cakes, and there is even almond milk. Imagine you create a brand new thing to do with almonds. Describe what it is and how it helps people.
February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day – Write down ideas that you can do to perform random acts of kindness today.
February 18: National Caregiver’s Day – Do you have someone special in your life who helps take care of you? Write them a thank you note.
February 19: Tug of War Day – Finish this story starter It was field day at school and one of the events was tug of war. I thought my team would win because…
February 20: National Love your Pet Day – What is your favorite type of pet and why?
February 21: Family Day – Write about a super, amazing, day that you would plan with your family.
February Journal Prompts Feb 22: World Thinking Day – Describe a place that you like to go that is peaceful and quite so you can think.
February 23: Pinocchio Day – Pinocchio is a wooden puppet whose nose grows when he tells lies. Write down three statements about yourself – 2 that are true and 1 that is a lie. See if your friend can guess which one is the lie.
February 24: National Dance Day – Write or draw a picture about your favorite type of dance.
February 25: International Stand Up to Bullying Day – Write a list of 5 ways that you can stand up to bullying.
February 26: Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Write a short fairy tale. Don’t forget to add good stuff, bad stuff, and a happy ending.
February 27: No Brainer Day – Describe a relaxing day where you would not have to use your brain.
February 28: Floral Design Day – If you could give someone a bouquet of flowers, who would it be and why?
Adapted Handwriting Paper: Highlighted for Dysgraphia, Motor Control Issues, Fine Motor Delays, and Perceptual Motor Challenges
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