Social Emotional IEP Goals

Teachers, parents, and students with disabilities must work together to determine social emotional IEP goals since they are so important.

Teachers, parents, and students with disabilities must often work together to determine social emotional IEP goals (IEP stands for Individualized Education Program). These may not seem like typical educational goals, but they play a very important role in the life of a child. A child who struggles socially will likely experience bumps in the road […]


Acts of Kindness for Kids

Here are some simple acts of kindness that kids can do to make a difference in the world. Get a FREE printable too!

Do you want to help your children or students build a foundation of kindness? Here are some simple acts of kindness that kids can do to make a difference in the world. With just a little effort, children can brighten someone’s day and feel good about themselves too! When we do kind things for others, […]

Kitchen Crafts for Kids

Kitchen crafts for kids are a fun way for kids to play with their food and eat it too! Check all these fun ideas!

Kitchen crafts for kids are a fun way for kids to play with their food and eat it too! As they are working on their edible crafts, kids can learn and practice a variety of different things. Not only will kids be getting creative in the kitchen, but they will also be learning about colors, […]


Share Your Data Story

This data is not about reaching goals or monitoring progress. This is about sharing YOUR data story. Download the freebies to get started.

Don’t get scared off by the word data. Let’s share our big wins! Work is stressful for sure but just think about all that you and your students have accomplished. This data is not about reaching goals or monitoring progress. This is about sharing YOUR data story. Download the freebies to get started. How are […]

Primary Handwriting Fluency and Writing Skills

Primary handwriting fluency and writing skills. What does the research say?

It is important for primary students to have handwriting fluency and writing skills. This allows them to be able to communicate their ideas effectively. There are many activities that can help improve these skills but it is critical to understand what areas need to improve. Researchers took a closer look at primary handwriting fluency and […]