
Feelings Worksheet PDF: A Free Resource for Emotional Reflection

Managing emotions is a key skill for students to learn self-regulation and confidence. The Feelings Worksheet PDF is designed to help students explore their emotions, reflect on their responses, and discover strategies for staying calm and strong. This interactive, quiz-style worksheet is both engaging and easy to use, making it an excellent tool for classrooms, […]


Home-Based Interventions to Build Social-Emotional Skills and Manage Challenging Behavior in Young Children

Young children with developmental delays or disabilities often struggle with social-emotional skills and managing challenging behaviors, such as aggression, tantrums, and self-injury. Research shows these difficulties, if untreated, can lead to poor long-term outcomes, including lower academic performance, social exclusion, and increased caregiver stress. However, home-based interventions to build social-emotional skills, which involve training caregivers […]


Helping Kids Manage Emotions During the Holiday Season: 5 Tips for Schools

The holiday season can be exciting but also overwhelming for students. Changes in routine like classroom parties and assemblies can disrupt students’ sense of predictability, affecting their ability to regulate emotions. Here are strategies to support emotional regulation during the holidays, along with five practical tips. Helping kids manage emotions during the holiday season makes […]


Identifying Feelings Worksheet – Free Printable

Helping students recognize and understand their emotions is an essential part of their personal growth and social development. The Identifying Feelings Worksheet – Free Printable supports students in building emotional awareness and emotional intelligence. This simple yet powerful tool is designed to guide students through identifying various emotions, which is important for emotional regulation, mental health, and […]


Feelings Wheel for Kids – Free Printable

Understanding and managing emotions can be challenging, especially for kids. That’s where the Feelings Wheel for Kids comes in handy. This simple tool helps children identify and label their emotions, empowering them to express their feelings in a healthy way. At the bottom of this post, you’ll find a free printable Feelings Wheel to download […]

Tablet Tantrums: How Early Childhood Screen Time Sparks Outbursts of Anger

In today’s digital age, tablets have become an integral part of many families’ daily lives, offering entertainment and educational opportunities for young children. However, recent research suggests that the early use of these devices may be linked to emotional challenges, particularly in the form of anger and frustration. Learn more about tablet tantrums and the […]


Teaching Emotional Intelligence in Early Childhood

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions as well as the emotions of others. Teaching emotional intelligence in early childhood is important for fostering healthy relationships, enhancing social skills, and promoting mental health. By understanding and managing their own emotions, children can navigate social situations and cope with life’s challenges […]


Think Happy Thoughts – Free Printable

In a world filled with constant changes and challenges, nurturing emotional intelligence and coping mechanisms in students is more important than ever. Encouraging positive thinking and helping students develop strategies to manage negative emotions can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life. Help foster these skills with this free printable to support this journey. The […]


Feelings Puzzle Free Printable

If you want to work on practicing various skills and discuss feelings too, check out this Feelings puzzle. You can download it for free at the bottom of the post. This black and white printable is perfect anytime you need a quick activity that requires zero prep! You can get the complete Emotion Mystery Puzzle […]