
Getting to Know You Games for Students

Starting a new academic year or semester can be an exciting yet anxious time for both teachers and students. For educators, fostering a positive classroom environment is crucial to ensure students feel comfortable and engaged in the learning process. One effective way to break the ice and encourage interaction among them is through getting to […]

Active Listening Games

Teachers know that communication and listening skills are key for students to gain knowledge, grow socially and build relationships. But how do you ensure that your classroom is an environment where active listening happens? Active listening games can be a great way to practice this important skill in a fun and engaging manner. Using them […]

Ice Breaker Games for Students

Ice Breaker Games for Students

Think back to your first day of school. Chances are, you were nervous and didn’t know anyone in your class. In an effort to help students feel more comfortable, and ease nerves, many teachers use ice breaker games. Ice breakers are a great way to help students get to know each other and break the […]


Quick games to play in the classroom benefit students as they review or learn new material. They also strengthen academic and life skills.

When it comes to keeping students engaged in the classroom, teachers are always looking for new ideas. Here are some quick, fun classroom games that you can easily play with your students. They’re great for when you have a few minutes of downtime, or if you need to wrap up class early. With a little […]

Benefits of Board Games

Have you ever stopped to consider how many benefits of board games there are for children? They can have big effects on the growth of a child.

Have you ever stopped to consider how many benefits of board games there are for children? It is somewhat surprising how a set of simple game board, dice, a deck of cards and tokens can have big effects on the growth of a child. What is more surprising is that, game boards that are designed […]

Hula Hoop Games for Kids

Whether you are a parent, OT, PT, PE teacher, or classroom teacher, hula hoop games are engaging and fun to get kids moving!

Whether you are a parent, OT, PT, PE teacher, or classroom teacher, hula hoop games are engaging and fun to get kids moving! Here are several hula hoop activities that you can play with your kids. You will need hula hoops. If you do not have hula hoops you could put painter’s tape on the […]