
Sensory Food Aversions in Children

Food is not just a source of nutrition; it’s a complex sensory experience that can evoke strong reactions, particularly in children. Among the myriad challenges parents face, sensory food aversions stand out as a perplexing and often distressing issue. This issue, where individuals—especially children—reject foods based on their sensory characteristics, such as texture, smell, or temperature, may […]

Picky Eating in Low Income Children – Is It Protective Against Higher BMI?

Pediatrics published research on the trajectories of picky eating in low income children in the United States. The researchers wanted to investigate the trajectories of picky eating in 317 low-income 4 to 9 year old children including associations with child BMI z score and maternal feeding-behavior trajectories.

Pediatrics published research on the trajectories of picky eating in low income children in the United States. The researchers wanted to investigate the trajectories of picky eating in 317 low-income 4 to 9 year old children including associations with child BMI z score and maternal feeding-behavior trajectories. Methodology of the Study There were 317 mother-child […]


Feeding Problems in Children with Autism

Researchers have determined that there is a higher prevalence of feeding problems in children with autism over three years of age.  The research has consistently found that more than 50% of children with ASD exhibit limited food acceptance.  This can increase stress levels for families, in addition, to put children at risk for decreased intake of important minerals and vitamins.

Feeding Problems in Children with Autism Researchers have determined that there is a higher prevalence of feeding problems in children with autism over three years of age.  The research has consistently found that more than 50% of children with ASD exhibit limited food acceptance.  This can increase stress levels for families, in addition, to put children at […]


Feeding Difficulties and Children with Cerebral Palsy

Feeding Difficulties Cerebral Palsy

Children with cerebral palsy may present with feeding difficulties which have an effect on growth, nutrition, general health and social interaction.  These feeding difficulties in children with cerebral palsy include issues such as choking, feeding time greater than 3 hours per day, frequent vomiting and and difficulties with chewing.  One protocol that has been created to help with […]

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Food Tactile Play and Food Preferences

As parents and teachers, how many times have you said to children, “stop playing with your food”? There is evidence based research indicating an association between food tactile play and food preferences in children.  A recent experimental study examining preschool children and their parents, indicated that children in a sensory fruits and vegetable play condition […]

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Feeding Patterns of Autistic Children

Pediatrics published research on young children with autism and their feeding habits. Questionnaire data was compiled on 79 children with autism at 6, 15, 24, 38 and 54 months of age. Results indicated the following for the children with autism compared to control group: late introduction of solids after 6 months with slow feeding characteristics […]