
Sensory Food Aversions in Children

Food is not just a source of nutrition; it’s a complex sensory experience that can evoke strong reactions, particularly in children. Among the myriad challenges parents face, sensory food aversions stand out as a perplexing and often distressing issue. This issue, where individuals—especially children—reject foods based on their sensory characteristics, such as texture, smell, or temperature, may […]


Winter Oral Motor Activities

Winter oral motor activities can be fun indoor play during these cold months to work on strengthening the muscles in and around the mouth such as your cheeks, jaw, tongue, and lips. By practicing and strengthening oral motor skills, it may help children to improve their feeding skills, arousal level and more.

Winter oral motor activities can be fun indoor play during these cold months to work on strengthening the muscles in and around the mouth such as your cheeks, jaw, tongue, and lips. By practicing and strengthening oral motor skills, it may help children to improve their feeding skills, arousal level and more. Winter Oral Motor […]

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Gum Chewing and Headaches

Gum chewing is occasionally recommended for children as part of a sensory diet therefore I thought this research regarding gum chewing and headaches was important to mention.  Pediatric Neurology will be publishing research on 30 patients between 6-19 years old who had chronic or migraine headaches and chewed gum daily.  The medical doctor, Dr. Watemburg, […]