Standardized evaluation scores do not provide OTs with the necessary information for developing targeted and functional treatment plans. With over 25 years of clinical practice, school-based Occupational Therapist Thia Triggs of Print Path has developed this fine motor skills assessment for occupational therapy titled the Functional Evaluation of Fine Motor Skills. It is a clinical observation tool which precisely and comprehensively documents the many components of fine motor function. In order to optimize your clinical observations and clinical reasoning, and to pinpoint the underlying causes and distinct fine motor skill deficits that your client has, you can use the Functional Evaluation of Fine Motor Skills for individuals ages 5-year-old-to-Adult. (This is included in the Fine Motor Bundle)
Purpose of the Functional Evaluation of Fine Motor Skills
This tool can be used by established occupational therapists or occupational therapy organizations for structuring clinical observations and fine motor skills assessment. It is a particularly meaningful resource that can be used to guide the clinical reasoning of younger therapists and to hone their clinical observations. This Functional Evaluation of Fine Motor Skills promotes the interplay of qualitative and quantitative findings which provide the occupational therapist with a holistic view of their client’s functional fine motor skills. This survey tool cannot be used to provide age-referenced norms for an assessment.
This resource is intended solely for licensed Occupational Therapists. The technical education and experience of a licensed Occupational Therapist is required to administer the test and to interpret the results.
Details about the Functional Evaluation of Fine Motor Skills
The 33 page PDF digital document will be available electronically immediately following payment. It includes the following sections:
Detailed table of contents, administration suggestions, use guidelines, and materials guide.
Sensory: Eleven separate measures of sensory-based function relating to fine motor skills
Strength & Endurance: Six separate parameters of strength-based function relating to fine motor skills
Hand Use: Nine separate measures of hand use including methods to measure hand dominance and motoric crossing of the midline
Bilateral & Tool Use: Fifteen bilateral tool use actions with quick but detailed observation checklist
Pencil Grasp: Three parameters to observe and document pencil grasp including guidelines for research-based categories
Visual Motor Skills: Five measurements of visual motor and motor control skills
Summary of Results: Includes areas of concern and root issues to help you write your assessment and plan
Resources used to assess skills as described on the recording form
Product License
You can print unlimited copies of this fine motor skills assessment for yourself and your students. However, you may not distribute copies to friends or fellow therapists. Customers who would like to integrate the product legally within their practices/ organizations will need to purchase a multiple users license based on the number of OTs in the school, or practice. Email us with questions.
Related Product:
If you are evaluating fine motor skills of pre-school age children or non-verbal children, you may be interested in Fine Motor Baselines: Ages 3-5!
More titles created by school-based OT Thia Triggs:
Visual Supports: Schedules, Self Regulation, and Classroom Inclusion
Multisensory Number Writing Bundle