The Occupational Therapy Milestones Checklist includes fine motor, visual perceptual, visual motor and self-care milestones in an easy to use document. BONUS: You can type in the information or write it in!
Created by an experienced school-based OT, Elizabeth Rizki Kosek, OTD, OTR/L, this 12 page PDF digital document is available in print and write format or type on the PDF format. You will receive the documents in a ZIP file electronically immediately following payment.
Each purchase is a single license, for a single teacher, therapist or parent. If additional professionals wish to use the product, the buyer must purchase additional copies.
Details about Occupational Therapy Milestones Checklist for Ages 2 to 6 Years Old:
This has milestones grouped in an easy way by skill (examples: scissor skills, tracing / coloring, block tower, putting in pellets in a bottle, playdough, body parts, buttons, self help skills, name, letters, numbers, imitation of block tower etc!).
For each skill, a general age is given. This does NOT include all milestones, but has a strong list of typical milestones.
The Occupational Therapy Milestones Checklist is based on various developmental checklists such as the Beery VMI, HELP, Peabody and other checklists. Elizabeth Rizki Kosek, OTD, OTR/L has tried to combine these checklists and use the areas that overlap to form this checklist.
This is NOT intended to replace medical advice, or to treat or diagnose. This should only be used appropriately within your practice law and services.
The Occupational Therapy Milestones Checklist is helpful for OTs and other service providers who work with general education students but also students with Autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, ADD, sensory processing disorder, and other special needs. This can be used with general education, RTI, MTSS, special education, school psychologist, school counselor, occupational therapy OT, speech language pathology SLP, and social work SW.
View all the products created by Elizabeth Rizki Kosek, OTD, OTR/L.
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