The Occupational Therapy Preschool Screening is super helpful to quickly screen preschoolers’ fine motor and visual motor skills.
Created by an experienced school-based OT, Elizabeth Rizki Kosek, OTD, OTR/L, this 17 page PDF digital document will be delivered electronically immediately following payment. Each purchase is a single license, for a single teacher, therapist or parent. If additional professionals wish to use the product, the buyer must purchase additional copies.
What Does the Occupational Therapy Preschool Screening Include?
It includes a 2.5 page data sheet and all the printables you need (scissor sheets, prewriting, maze, coloring in shapes identify shapes / color). You will need your own materials to complete this (beads, puzzle, small blocks, crayons or markers, scissors).
You have to PRINT and WRITE in your information, you cannot use this digitally.
Details about the Occupational Therapy Preschool Screening:
- Pages 4-6: Screening sheets for you to take data
- Please note: Phys=physical prompt, verb=verbal prompt, vis=visual prompt
- Page 6: Half is a note page for you to take notes and sheet for functional observations
- You will circle answers or write in the answers..
- Some of these are not age appropriate for all ages of preschool, so you may not mark every category, every time.
- Pages 7-9: Prewriting lines. This includes three different types (trace, imitate, copy)
- Page 10: A blank page with directions for student to draw a person.
- Page 11-12: Coloring in shapes.
- Pages 13-14: Mazes
- Page 15 – Page 16: Scissor pages
- Page 17: Identify colors and shapes
If you are looking for something that includes more developmental milestones, check out this Occupational Therapy Milestones checklist here.
This is NOT intended to replace medical advice, or to treat or diagnose. This should only be used appropriately within your practice law and services.
The Occupational Therapy Preschool Screening is helpful for OTs and other service providers who work with general education preschool students but also students with Autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, ADD, sensory processing disorder, and other special needs. This can be used with general education, RTI, MTSS, special education, school psychologist, school counselor, occupational therapy OT, speech language pathology SLP, and social work SW.
View all the products created by Elizabeth Rizki Kosek, OTD, OTR/L.
More Checklists and Forms for School Based Therapists:
Occupational Therapy Milestones Checklist
OT Screening IEP Goal Tracking