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My Favorite Summer Activity Plus Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

therapy bloggers giveaway imageWhen asked to participate in this blog hop with a recommendation for a favorite summer time activity, I knew what my answer was right away.  Sidewalk chalk is my absolute favorite.  Depending upon how you use it, sidewalk chalk can encourage physical activity, fine motor, gross motor and visual perceptual skills.   Now of course there are the traditional games you can play using sidewalk chalk like hopscotch.  But, sidewalk chalk does not stop there.  Here are three fun games for the older crowd to play this summer.  Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for an Amazon gift card to purchase your favorite summer “toy” at the end of the post!

Draw Something

Draw Something Sidewalk Chalk Style: Are you familiar with the app called Draw Something? It is a very fun social app where you play drawing and guessing games with your friends or anyone. We decided to play Draw Something outdoors using sidewalk chalk. Here is what you do if you are not familiar with the game that basically combines Pictionary with Hangman.

1. Think of a word – i.e. island (as pictured above). Anything simple to start out with works.

2. Draw boxes for how many letters the word is.

3. Write letters that are in the word below the boxes. Scramble the letters and include a few additional letters that are not in the word.

4. Now the fun begins. The person who drew out the boxes and letters starts drawing a picture of the word. Everyone playing guesses out loud.

5. If no one guesses it you can “bomb” letters. The person drawing can choose to start crossing out some of the extra letters that are written.

Have fun taking this iphone app off the phone and play it outdoors!

math scavenger huntMath Scavenger Hunt: Here is a fun outdoor game to practice math skills. We have played this before using cards and vocabulary words but figured we would change it up and practice math. It works just like a treasure hunt.

1. Head outdoors with sidewalk chalk. Write the first problem i.e. 4+4=. Continue creating problems and write the answers with a new problem underneath. At the end of the hunt, write the final answer in the circle and the word PRIZE below.

2. Now time to go on the hunt. Start at the first problem 4+4=. Run to find the correct answer (8) inside the circle. When you get to the correct answer, solve the problem below the circle. Go and find the correct answer. Continue until the child find the answer with the word PRIZE below.

Get creative where you write the problems. Spread them out – try writing on trees and rocks. It will all erase with a good rain fall.

The activity encourages: math skills, physical activity and outdoor time.

initials sidewalk chalk game

Initials:  This sidewalk chalk activity promotes gross motor, fine motor and coordination skills.
Preparation: Draw a grid that is at least 4 squares by 4 squares.
How to Play:

Group Play #1- Give each child a piece of chalk. On “GO” start the timer for at
least 30 seconds. Each child runs to the grid. The child should write their
initials in a box. Your initials can only be written in the box if it is blank.  When
the time expires, count who had the most initials written in the boxes.

Group Play #2 – Each child finds a rock or flat object to throw.  Player one throws a rock into a box.  Write your initials in the box if no initials are written in the box.  Player two takes a turn.  Continue playing until all the boxes have initials written in them.  The winner is the one with the most initials.

Individual Play – Give child a piece of chalk. On “GO”, start the timer for at least
30 seconds. The child runs to the grid and writes his/her initials in a box. The
child runs back to starting line and touches it. Child runs back to grid and
writes initials again. Then back to starting line. Repeat task until time runs out.
Count how many boxes have initials in them. Go for the best score.
To play again, erase initials with a small sponge or draw a new grid.
Modifications:  Wheelchair users can drop a bean bag into a box instead of writing initials.
Vary what the child writes in the box. Try spelling, vocabulary or foreign words.

Need more activities? Check out Sidewalk Chalk Fun and Games or Scavenger Hunts.



Step One:  Use the Rafflecopter below to enter to win a $50 Amazon gift card to purchase a favorite summer toy!

Step Two: Visit each of the 10 blogs below and COMMENT on their post about their favorite summer toy or activity.  Have you tried it?  Will you buy it?  Would your kiddos love it?  How would you use it?

Step Three: Earn additional entries by “Liking” each blog’s Facebook page, straight from the Rafflecopter form!

***Remember: You will only be entering the Rafflecopter ONCE, ON THIS PAGE, not on every blog in the hop. The contest is open to anyone.  Winner will be chosen at random via Rafflecopter and will be notified by email once entries have been verified (comments on each blog, Facebook likes on each blog).

Check out the other posts for the Therapy Bloggers Summer Kickoff Giveaway:

The Inspired Treehouse  –  OT Cafe  –  Golden Reflections Blog  –  Pink Oatmeal  –  Therapy Fun Zone  –  Your Therapy Source  –  Mama OT  –  Starfish Therapies – PlayingWithWords365Playapy

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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