
Delayed Walking with Autism and Intellectual Disability

Pediatrics published a large study on the relationship between delayed walking in children and the severity of intellectual disability in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) versus other non-ASD diagnoses.  The study sample included 1185 individuals (ASD, n = 903; non-ASD, n = 282) who received an evaluation at age 4 to 12 years that included […]


Evaluating In A Group Setting Changes Gross Motor Performance

Pediatric Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics published research comparing differences in gross motor performance of 20 children ages 3-5 with motor delays when assessed individually  versus assessment in a group setting among 42 peers with typical development (TD).   Each child with motor delays was tested 4-8 days apart in an individual setting and […]

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Functional Tasks and Postural Control

Physical Therapy published research examining postural control during a functional play activity. Previous research has indicated that when motor tasks are made more relevant through functional tasks, performance improves, including in children with movement pathology. The participants in the study included 30 children with cerebral palsy who were compared with 30 typically developing children during […]