
Visual Perception and Handwriting

How does visual perception and handwriting work together? A recent research article took a closer look at these skills.

How does visual perception and handwriting work together? A recent research article took a closer look at determining if correlations exist between the eight sub-components of visual perception including eye hand coordination, position in space, copying, figure ground discrimination, spatial relations, visual closure, visual motor speed and form constancy, and handwriting ability. The researchers also […]


Eye Movements and ADHD

Children with ADHD have decreased attention span and inhibition and increased hyperactivity and impulsivity.  Recent research discussed eye movements and ADHD.  Approximately 3-7% of school-aged children have ADHD, therefore, learning more about the visual system of these children is important.

Eye Movements and ADHD Children with ADHD have decreased attention span and inhibition and increased hyperactivity and impulsivity.  Recent research discussed eye movements and ADHD.  Approximately 3-7% of school-aged children have ADHD, therefore, learning more about the visual system of these children is important. Research on the Visual System and ADHD There has been a considerable […]

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Block Play and Spatial Awareness

Developing the skills to express and understand spatial skills are the first step in understanding spatial ability and awareness such as math skills, visual perceptual skills and body awareness. Child Development published research on the importance of block play in over one hundred preschoolers. The children in the study who were better at copying block […]

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Handwriting Speed Associated with Manipulation and Visual Perceptual Skills

The British Journal of Occupational Therapy examined 39 typically developing 6-8 year old children to determine whether visual perceptual, visual-motor integration and in-hand manipulation skills were associated with manuscript handwriting speed.  Each participant completed Beery–Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration – 6th edition (DTVMI), the Developmental Test of Visual Perception – 3rd edition (DTVP-3), the Test […]

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Butterflies, Bugs and Blocks

Print this Butterfly, Bugs and Blocks freebie to practice fine motor, visual motor, visual closure and visual discrimination skills.  You can download the freebie at Your Therapy Source Inc. Need more building block ideas?  Check out the freebies and download with Building Block Patterns and Games.