
ADHD and Spatial Awareness

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has long been associated with various cognitive and neurodevelopmental challenges. One of the lesser-known aspects of this condition is its potential influence on spatial awareness. Learn more about the relationship between ADHD and spatial awareness, drawing from numerous studies and research findings to provide practical interventions. ADHD and Spatial Awareness: […]

Spatial Awareness Exercises

Are you looking for ways to help your students improve their spatial awareness? Let’s look at a few spatial awareness exercises that can help with student development of spatial awareness. These activities are not only fun and entertaining, but extremely beneficial. WHAT ARE SPATIAL AWARENESS EXERCISES? Spatial awareness exercises are activities designed to help improve […]



These directionality activities teach students directionality skills in a fun way. Students work on other important skills too!

Have you been looking for some fun and engaging ways to help your students learn about directional concepts? If so, you’ll want to check out the directionality activities we’ve compiled! From fun songs to maze games, these lessons will help your students become more familiar with cardinal directions, left-to-right directionality, and more. WHAT IS DIRECTIONALITY? […]


Spatial Reasoning Puzzles for Kids

spatial reasoning puzzles

Spatial intelligence is the ability to think with your eyes. It is one of nine types of intelligence that were identified by Dr. Howard Gardner in his theory of Multiple Intelligences. Spatial Intelligence allows you to visualize things in your mind, judging distances, different shapes, angles and imagining different perspectives. Challenge spatial intelligence, with these […]

What Are Visual Spatial Skills?

Let's take a closer look at what are visual spatial skills and how you can help your students with suggestions and activity ideas.

When you look to cross the street or bend over to pick a pencil up off the floor, you are using visual spatial skills. This skill is extremely important for every day function for school success and even how you socialize with others. Let’s take a closer look at what are visual spatial skills and […]