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Coordination, Visual Spatial Skills and Handwriting

Frontiers in Psychology published research examining the relationship between motor coordination and handwriting skills, and to identify differences in handwriting between children without and with coordination difficulties with a focus on visual–spatial skills.  Motor coordination, graphic abilities, visual–motor integration, visual–spatial skills, and other cognitive abilities (memory and planning) were assessed in 83 children aged 7–10 years.  The results indicated the following:

  1.  no relation between motor coordination and handwriting skills
  2. visual–spatial skills (measured by a visual-constructive task) were related with both.

The researchers concluded that general motor coordination does not have a direct link with the execution of graphic gesture patterns.  Children with mild motor dysfunction were lower in visual reasoning abilities with respect to those with normal and good motor function.

Reference:  Scordella, A et al.  The role of general dynamic coordination in the handwriting skills of children. Front Psychol. 2015; 6: 580. Published online 2015 May 7. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00580

Visual Spatial Mazes:  This is a HUGE collection of 50 different visual spatial mazes. There are 25 mazes in 11 x 8.5″ size and 25 mazes in 8.5 x 11″. The whole collection is in black and white. They are an intermediate level of difficulty. These mazes are an excellent challenge for fast finishers and visual perceptual skill practice.

Visual spatial skill requires the ability to visually perceive two or more objects in relation to each other. Visual spatial ability is very important in body awareness, spatial orientation, map skills, higher level math, computer skills, science and more.


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