
Would you like to write up OT evaluations in half the time?

Do you dread writing up evaluations?  Do you struggle to squeeze in the time to get the eval done before the student’s upcoming IEP meeting?  Would you like to write up OT evaluations in half the time? Try Double Time Docs

Do you dread writing up evaluations?  Do you struggle to squeeze in the time to get the eval done before the student’s upcoming IEP meeting?  Would you like to write up OT evaluations in half the time? The daily schedule of a school-based therapist is super busy.  Most therapists, land up writing up reports late […]


5 FREE Printables that Incorporate Movement and Learning

Research indicates that children benefit from when teachers incorporate movement and learning. Here at Your Therapy Source, we focus on creating ready to go activities to encourage physical activity, balance, coordination, fine motor skills, locomotor skills AND cognitive skills. Research has shown that 5-20 minute movement breaks in the classroom can positively affect the following: […]


How Often Should PreK Students Have Movement Groups?

School-based occupational and physical therapists frequently recommend and educate PreK teachers on the benefits of motor skill activities throughout the day.  An important question to answer is how often should preK students have movement groups?

School-based occupational and physical therapists frequently recommend and educate PreK teachers on the benefits of motor skill activities throughout the day.  An important question to answer is how often should preK students have movement groups?  A systemic research review was conducted on exploring the relationship between fundamental motor skill interventions and physical activity levels in […]


Gross Motor and Social Skills in Boys with Autism

Pediatric Physical Therapy published research on the relationship between gross motor and social skills in boys with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Previous research has indicated that gross motor deficits were related to ASD symptom severity in toddlers and adolescents although there has not been a clear relationship between these areas across 4- to 12.5-year-olds.  The participants […]

Increasing Classroom Participation of Students with Delays

Recent research was published on increasing classroom participation of students with delays. The purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of combined in-services and collaborative consultations to improve classroom participation for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Recent research was published by the Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy on increasing classroom participation of students with delays.  Previous research has indicated that students with intellectual and developmental disabilities have been found to participate less in school-based activities.  The purpose of the current study was to compare the effectiveness of combined in-services and collaborative […]

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Strengthen Cognitive Skills for Reading and Writing

Do you work with students who struggle with letter identification or letter reversals?  Have you run out of fun ideas to practice the skills necessary to determine the differences between similar letters like B and D?  This free maze will help strengthen cognitive skills for reading and writing by working on recognizing the correct letter. […]

How to Help Children Sleep

With the start of school, it is crucial that children get back into a regular sleep routine.  Here are a few suggestions on how to help children sleep.  Children can focus and learn better after a good night sleep.  One of the easiest ways to accomplish a regular sleep schedule is to follow a daily routine.  […]

How to Use Yoga to Reduce Anxiety in Children

The rate of anxiety in children has been increasing over the last several years.  Previous research has indicated that yoga can help reduce anxiety in children.  A recent study examined how to use yoga to reduce anxiety in children.  The study looked at the effects of 10 minutes of daily yoga on the anxiety levels […]