Sticky Note Games for Kids
Sometimes as pediatric therapists, teachers, or parents, we need quick ideas or games to get kids moving and engaged. Grab your sticky note pad and get ready for creative and fun sticky note games for kids. The great thing about these ideas is that all you need is the sticky note pad and a pen.
As a mother of six children and pediatric Physical Therapist, there have been plenty of times I have pulled out my yellow pad and pens and started up sticky note games.
I have to start out with my personal favorite that doesn’t even require the pen – hide the sticky note. Anytime you are waiting with children and need a quick activity this has been my go to idea. One person closes their eyes and the other person hides the sticky note. When hidden, the person has find where the sticky note is. Toddlers through teenagers enjoy this game! If you need to play with more than one child, hide a few sticky notes and everyone has to find one. Want to add in physical activity? Hide the sticky notes around the playground. Use a scooter board to find all the sticky notes. Have a relay race and run to find them all in a big outdoor space or indoor gym. This is by far one of the easiest sticky note games to play.
More Sticky Note Games for Kids
If you have a sticky note pad and a marker you can start playing these 5 fun games to get kids moving and learning. This simple post it note games encourage physical activity, visual perceptual skills, bilateral coordination and you can even review academic material.
Stick It Fast – Reaction Time and Fine Motor Post It Note Game
This is a lot harder than it looks! Rip off about 10 sticky notes from the pad. Give it to the child. On GO start your timer and see how fast they can stick the sticky notes to the wall. Stop the timer when done. This activity encourages reaction time, fine motor skills, and shoulder strengthening.
Gather up the sticky notes when done and save the blank ones for another game or play again. See if you can set the record for the fastest person to stick all the notes on the wall. If your kids like this game, they will LOVE Set the Record.
Body Part Post It Note Games
This sticky note game is great for younger kids who are working on body part identification and older kids who are working on right and left discrimination skills. All you have to do is write body parts on the sticky notes. Put the sticky note on the correct body part. This game simply adds novelty to reviewing body parts. This picture is not great since the gal has on black pants with a black background but you get the idea.
If you want to make it more difficult, add right and left to the body part sticky notes. The Right or Left Games digital packet also helps children to practice right and left discrimination, bilateral coordination, fine motor skills, balance skills, body awareness, motor planning and visual spatial skills.
Puzzle Post It Note Games
This is another favorite of mine since you can play it sitting down or add in physical activity. Put four sticky notes together to make a big square. Draw a simple picture – smile face, snowman, heart, etc. Mix up the four sticky notes. The child has to put the drawing back together again.
To add in movement, draw the picture and hide the four sticky notes. The child has to find the notes and then complete the puzzle. This activity encourage fine motor skills, visual closure skills, visual spatial skills and physical activity. The Visual Spatial Puzzles – Square Puzzle Pack also challenges the ability to visually perceive two or more objects in relation to each other. The puzzles are in black and white AND color.
Heads Up Post It Note Games
Do you know how to play Heads Up or Headbandz? These games are very similar to charades. Write a word on a sticky note and put it on the child’s head. There are three ways to play this game:
- Without talking, someone acts out the word on the person’s head.
- Using one word phrases someone describes the word without saying any form of the word.
- The person who is wearing the sticky note on their head ask questions about the word i.e. is it an animal? is it food? etc.
However you decide to play, the object of these sticky note games is for the person wearing the word to guess the word. Group games like this are always a great time and perfect for indoor recess. If you like games like this, check out Category Games.
Did you know that you can print on sticky notes?
Did you know that it is easy to print on sticky notes? Here is a free set of printable OT or PT reminders to print on sticky notes.
Looking for More Ready to Go Resources?
Check all of our NO PREP themed sensory motor packets here.