Exercise and Executive Function

Are you curious if there is a relationship between exercise and executive function in children? Do you want data and evidence to support strategies such as physical activity to help your students learn?

Are you curious if there is a relationship between exercise and executive function in children? Do you want data and evidence to support strategies such as physical activity to help your students learn? Studies indicates that exercise can help academic performance in students. What Does the Research Say on Exercise and Executive Function? Mental Health […]


Bunny Breathing and Other Exercises to Empower, Calm, and Self Regulate

Children (and adults) can start integrating different breathing techniques into their day. Bunny breathing or bunny breaths is one type of breathing technique to teach children.

Conscious breathing is simple to learn. Children (and adults) can start integrating different breathing techniques into their day – at circle time, meal time, and transition time. Bunny breathing or bunny breaths is one type of breathing technique to teach children. Take the time to support children by regularly practicing and pausing periodically, taking the […]

How Do Chores Help Children with Chronic Conditions?

Do you think asking children with chronic conditions to do chores is beneficial for their development? A recent research study indicated that the answer is yes!

Do you think asking children with chronic conditions to do chores is beneficial for their development? A recent research study indicated that the answer is yes! It is not always easy though. When parents raise a child with a disability or chronic condition, they may overestimate limitations associated with their condition or have decreased expectations […]


Handwriting Speed – 7 Evidence Based Factors for Students

5 Reasons why students may have slow handwriting speed in the classroom

Written output performance in the classroom is associated with handwriting speed.  If the child can not write with an appropriate speed it can be difficult to manage classroom assignments in a timely manner throughout the school day and during homework. School-based occupational therapy services sometimes address handwriting speed and legibility. Handwriting Speed and Occupational Therapy […]