
Slow Motion Game

Have you noticed that children are frequently overstimulated, fidgety, or constantly on the go?  In today’s fast-paced society it can be very difficult to help children be present in the moment, slow down. and ready to learn. Here is a fun, simple strengthening exercise and motor timing game that requires no equipment – the slow motion game.

Here is a fun, simple strengthening exercise and motor timing game that requires no equipment - the slow motion game. 


When you slow down a motion it requires more muscle control and a longer muscle contraction. As you slow each motion down, instruct your students to keep your brain concentrated on the muscle tension and strength required to complete the exercise.

No one wants children’s “engines running too fast” during the school day or at home.  It can result in decreased attention, lack of focus, inability to maintain personal space, and constant fidgeting. You can use this complete lesson plan to help your students learn to slow down.

What Skills Are Students Working on with the Slow Motion Game?

When children play this NO PREP game they are working on so many skills such as:

  • motor timing
  • co-contraction of the muscles to help with stability
  • muscle strengthening
  • control the force and speed of movements (great for kids who have trouble with personal space and/or proprioception)
  • following directions
  • coordination
  • balance

Do you struggle to find printable balance exercises for kids? This digital download, Balance Activities and Progressions, includes 20 different balance activities along with 8 different balance progressions. 

How to Play the Slow Motion Game

Make sure you have space to play this game. If you are playing in the classroom ask the students to stand in the aisles. The game is easier to play in an open area or outdoors.

Pretend to act out the following activities in s-l-o-w motion:

  1. Running a race
  2. Shooting a basketball
  3. Walking up or down stairs
  4. Bicycle riding laying on your back
  5. Ballet dancing
  6. Swimming
  7. Karate kicks
  8. Boxing
  9. Jumping rope
  10. Hopscotch

Ask your students to take turns demonstrating slow motion activities for the class to copy.

Want to work on group skills and challenge motor timing even further? Try to create a group dance where you all perform synchronized movements in slow motion! Try to march in slow motion together. Clap your hands in slow motion.

Want to Try The Slow Motion Game in Sitting?

If you don’t have the space or time to get your students up and moving, try the slow motion game in sitting. Ask your students to follow patterns in slow motion.
For example, clap hands, tap the desk, lift your knees up, and clap again. Remind everyone to go slow so that everyone will clap at the same times. You will know if kids are moving too fast because they will clap off beat.

Want to Add in More Self-Regulation Skills?

Waiting is so difficult for children and a key component of self-regulation skills. Use a metronome app or extension on your computer and set it super slow (40 beats per minute or less).

Can your students wait and clap at the correct time? How about jump up?

Need More Resources to Help Children Slow Down?

Too Slow, Just Right or Too Fast – great for younger kids!

Personal Space Journey

I Can Slow Down Lesson Plan