Lots of information on emotional regulation activities for kids - Help students regulate their emotions with these activities.

Do your students ever have trouble regulating their emotions? It can be tough when they’re feeling angry, frustrated, or sad and don’t know how to feel better. Luckily, there are activities that can help kids with their emotional regulation skills. Learn some emotional regulation activities for kids. You’ll help them to become happier and more […]


Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation is the ability to understand and manage your emotions in a healthy way. Read more from Your Therapy Source.

If you’re like most teachers and parents, you want your child to be happy and successful. One of the best ways to help them achieve this is by teaching them how to regulate their emotions. Emotional regulation is the ability to understand and manage your emotions in a healthy way. Remember when your child or […]


Acts of Kindness for Kids

Here are some simple acts of kindness that kids can do to make a difference in the world. Get a FREE printable too!

Do you want to help your children or students build a foundation of kindness? Here are some simple acts of kindness that kids can do to make a difference in the world. With just a little effort, children can brighten someone’s day and feel good about themselves too! When we do kind things for others, […]

Teaching Empathy to Kids

You can learn teaching empathy to kids. The ability to understand the feelings of others is an important skill for healthy relationships and social connections.

The ability to understand the feelings of others is an important skill for healthy, prosperous relationships and social connections. Research has found that parents who know how to foster empathy in their children weren’t born with this knowledge – they learned and applied it. And you can learn teaching empathy to kids too! It’s tricky […]


How to Create a Calm Classroom

Teachers can try different strategies to learn how to create a calm classroom environment to encourage learning.

Classrooms can be busy! Transitions, group work, recess, brain breaks… it can all add up to chaos and sensory overload for your students and teachers. When students are in a regulated state, they can be ready to learn. Teachers can try different strategies to learn how to create a calm classroom environment to encourage learning. […]


Autism and Emotional Regulation Skills

Arousal and Behavioral Regulation in Children with Autism

Do you want to learn more about autism and emotional regulation skills? Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) can exhibit problematic emotional behavior as expressed in tantrums, irritability, aggression, self-injury, anxiety, and impulsivity. Sometimes the physiological arousal level of children can escalate and sometimes it may be a emotional regulation issue, or perhaps both. What Does […]