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Visual Supports during Therapy Sessions

It is well known that children with autism and certain other disabilities benefit greatly from the use of visual supports throughout the day. Visual supports can be pictures, objects, written words, body language and cues. Some children use visual supports as a primary means of communication in the classroom and home. If this is a […]

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Fine Motor Activity Idea – Clay Imprints

Here is a simple, fun activity that encourages muscle strengthening in the hands and fingers, fine motor skill development, visual perceptual skill development, tactile and proprioceptive input. All you need is clay, small objects and a tray. Want to take this activity outdoors? Take a nature walk and collect small, tactile natural items. Make clay […]

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NDT, SI or Perceptual Motor Approach for Children with Mild MR

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published research on the effects of neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT), sensory integrative therapy (SI) and perceptual motor (PM) therapy for children with mild mental retardation. One hundred sixty children were randomly assigned to one of four groups: NDT group, SI group, PM group and control group. After interventions, the three […]