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Stand Up Desks
Quite a few classrooms in Minnesota are in the process of trying out stand up desks. These desks were created by a teacher and a furniture company two years ago. The desks are height adjustable. The children can stand, sit and swing their feet on the movable foot rest. This desk seems like a great […]
Recess Time and Behaviors
Pediatrics reports that 8-9 year old children who receive at least 15 minutes of daily recess had better teacher’s rating scores of classroom behavior. The New York Times wrote an article on this topic yesterday. Read more at the New York Times. There is a great discussion that follows. This is a informative article for […]
Therapy Idea Video
Four year old boy working on hip external rotation, weight shifting, abdominal strengthening lower extremity dissocation and eye foot coordination. This is also a great activity to prepare for donning/ doffing socks and shoes for occupational therapy. Go to for more therapy activities.
About our website
I guess I better describe our website to those of you who are not following us yet. We offer many resources for school based therapists, teachers and parents who work with children with special needs. Over the years, we have grown to a successful business that offers economical therapy ideas and products. Please take the […]
New Blog Location
I am moving our blog to here versus leaving it on our website. I can not do much with the blog tool I am currently using so I will give this one a shot. Please be patient as I switch it all over. We just posted a new video on the website about a success […]