
Obesity and Self-Regulation in Children

Previous research on obesity and self-regulation in children has indicated that poor self-regulation is associated with increased risk of obesity.  Recent research examined how varying levels of toddler self-regulation are associated with obesity in girls compared to boys.

Obesity and Self-Regulation in Children Previous research on obesity and self-regulation in children has indicated that poor self-regulation is associated with increased risk of obesity.  Recent research examined how varying levels of toddler self-regulation are associated with the prevalence of obesity at kindergarten age and whether the pattern of association is different between boys and […]

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Balance Skills and Obesity in Children

Appetite published research on whether balance skills and quality of life are influenced by childhood obesity.  Eighty seven children who were classified as Class 1 obese (BMI SDS 2.0-2.49) and Class 2 obese (BMI SDS > 2.5) were evaluated using the BOT-II to measure balance and the PedsQL to determine quality of life.  Statistical analysis […]

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Best Exercise for Overweight Teens

JAMA Pediatrics published a research study on The Healthy Eating Aerobic and Resistance Training in Youth (HEARTY) that included 304 overweight teens between the ages of 14 to 18. All were given the same four weeks of diet counseling to promote healthy eating and weight loss before being randomly placed into four groups: 1) resistance […]

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Association Between Strength and Body Weight in Children

Pediatrics published research on strength and body weight in 1224 US children and adolescents in order to provide reference values on 4 core, upper, and lower body measures of muscle strength and to determine the association between these measures of strength and weight status.  The 4 measures of muscle strength were plank, modified pull-up, knee extension, […]

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Lack of Sleep Increases Obesity and Body Fat in Children

Pediatrics has published a large study linking reduced sleep and childhood obesity.  The children who consistently received less than the recommended hours of sleep during infancy and early childhood had increases in both obesity and in adiposity or overall body fat at age 7. Insufficient sleep was defined as less than 12 hours per day from […]

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Developmental Coordination Disorder and Risk of Obesity

The Canadian Medical Association Journal published research on a study of over 2000 children from 4th through 6th grades. The children were screened for coordination disorders. One hundred eleven children had a potential diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder (DCD). The 111 children exhibited a higher body mass index and waist circumference in 4th grade which […]

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More Research on Why You Should Turn Off TV

Two recent studies once again recommend that television and screen time should be limited for all children. Pediatrics recently published research on Vitamin D deficiencies in children. Over 6,000 children were studied with 9% being Vitamin D deficient and 61% being Vitamin D insufficient. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with a higher risk […]

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Benefits of Short Bouts of Physical Activity

A recent study in the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity offers some exciting research regarding physical activity in boys. The researchers studied physical activity levels in 47 boys(ages 8-10 years old)using accelerometry for seven days. After the seven days they measured waist circumference, aerobic fitness and microvascular function. The researchers discovered that the boys performed […]