
Handwriting versus Keyboarding

When assessing students for written productivity, handwriting speeds are frequently compared to keyboarding speeds. There are several helpful documents on the internet to help evaluate students: 1. Developing a Written Productivity Profile: Comparing handwriting to keyboarding 2. Handwriting Speeds – from Montgomery Schools Maryland 3. Handwriting / Keyboarding Rates – from the National Assistive Technology […]

Hippotherapy and Cerebral Palsy

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology published a meta analysis research study on hippotherapy and children with cerebral palsy. Out of 77 studies, 8 were included in the analysis. The results indicated the following: “Therapy was found to be effective in 76 out of 84 children with CP included in the intervention groups. The comparison groups […]


Hip Pain in Children with Severe Cerebral Palsy

Disability and Rehabilitation published research on hip pain in children with severe cerebral palsy and hip dislocation. Seventy three children ages 4 through 10.8 years old had a total of 99 dislocated hips. Medical records were reviewed for previous physical therapy interventions (abduction therapy, no abduction therapy and abduction/ hippotherapy). Pain level was measured. In […]

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Bimanual Versus Constraint Therapy in Hemiplegia

Research was conducted comparing two groups of children ranging from 3.5 to 10 years old (42 in total) with hemiplegia. The children were randomly assigned to receive 90 hours of constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) or 90 hours of bimanual training (HABIT). Following the training, both the CIMT and HABIT resulted in improved hand function […]


New Pressure Vest

Came across this in the Boston Herald about a new pressure vest for individuals with autism. You can watch the video on the product or read more information in an article. The inventors are planning on doing clinical trials and hope for approval by the US Food and Drug Administration. Would love to hear what […]

Simple Group Game for Tight Spaces

A variation of this game was played at the local school: Peanut Butter and Jelly Purpose: Encourage eye hand coordination, motor timing and motor planning. Materials: Two different colored balls Activity: Have the children sit on the floor in a large circle. Choose one ball to be the peanut butter and the other ball will […]