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Research: Academic Benefits of Recess

academic benefits of recess - www.YourTherapySource.comA study was recently published on 186 Finnish children in grades 1-3 looking at the relationships between: different types of physical activity/sedentary behavior and reading/arithmetic skills.  The results indicated the following:

1.  higher levels of physical activity at recess were related to better reading skills

2.  participation in organized sports was linked to higher arithmetic test scores

3.  boys with higher levels of physical activity, especially walking and bicycling to and from school, had better reading skills than less active boys.

4.  boys who spent more time doing activities involving reading and writing on their leisure time had better reading skills compared to boys who spent less time doing those activities.

5.  for girls, there were only few associations of physical activity and sedentary behavior with academic achievement when various confounding factors were controlled for.

The researchers concluded that higher levels of physical activity during recess, before school and in organized sports may help to improve academic achievement, especially in boys.

Reference:  Medical Express. High levels of physical activity linked to better academic performance in boys.  Retrieved from the web on 9/11/14 at http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-09-high-physical-linked-academic-boys.html#nwlt

Roll Some Fun from www.YourTherapySource.com/rollsomefun Need ideas for indoor recess to keep children physically active?  Check out Roll Some Fun at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/rollsomefun.html.

Read more about the benefits of recess:

5 Reasons Why Recess Is Important for Child Development – https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/2014/01/31/5-reasons-why-recess-is-important-for-child-development/

Give Recess Some Respect at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/2010/06/15/giving-recess-some-respect/

Recess Then Lunch at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/2010/01/29/recess-then-lunch/

Recess Time and Behaviors at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/2009/02/24/recess-time-and-behaviors/

10 Easy Physical Activities to Get the Brain Ready for Testing at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/2014/03/30/10-easy-physical-activities-to-get-the-brain-ready-for-testing/
