Spring Fine Motor and Executive Function Skills Freebie
Spring Fine Motor and Executive Function Skills Freebie
Are you in search of no-prep, Springtime activities to encourage fine motor and executive function skills? Well, search no more! Here is a three-page FREE sample download from the Spring Skill Builders packet, created by Thia Triggs, school-based Occupational Therapist. This Spring fine motor and executive function skills freebie challenges visual motor skills, literacy skills, number skills and executive function skills!
You can find MORE activities in the complete Spring Skill Builders packet. It features:
■ Teacher’s Guide for each of the six units.
■ Occupational Therapy tips and tricks for explicit instruction, developmental sequence, and breaking tasks into their smallest steps so all children can learn.
■ Specific differentiation tools and support.
■ Specific objectives for fine motor, visual motor, and executive function skill development.
■ Detailed table of contents so you can easily find what you need at a moment’s notice.
■ No-prep, print-and-use printables.
■ 71 pages.
■ Secular spring-themed worksheets.
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