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Exercise, ADHD Symptoms and Executive Functions

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder among children and adolescents. It has three types based on symptoms: predominantly inattentive (ADHD-I), predominantly hyperactive-impulsive (ADHD-HI), and combined (ADHD-C). About 5% to 10% of adolescents are affected, with boys being twice as likely as girls to have ADHD. Approximately half of these […]

Exercise to Reduce Challenging Behaviors

If you are a classroom teacher or support staff, you probably have observed students with challenging behaviors who are disruptive, destructive, or disengaged from instruction. It doesn’t have to be a group of students, either. Unfortunately, even just one single child can disrupt the entire classroom’s routine, transitions, and learning time. School staff can sometimes […]

Kids Exercise List for the Classroom or Home

If you are looking for physical activity ideas for children at school or at home, then this kids exercise list for the classroom or home should come in handy. Of course, we can't list every single exercise but these ideas will give you a good starting point.

We all know how important exercise is for children! Research tells us that daily physical exercises can help children develop healthy bodies and minds. This list of exercises for kids below can help you get started. Screen time and video games are fun but kids need to be encouraged to participate in regular exercise.  If […]

Fun Exercises for Kids

Foster healthy development and include fun exercises for kids throughout their daily lives. Read ideas and suggestions to get kids moving.

We all know that children of all ages need physical activity daily. When it comes to kids though heading to the gym is not always your best idea. You want to encourage a lifelong love of being healthy and fit. One way of fostering healthy development is to include fun exercises for kids throughout their […]

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Exercise and Working Memory in School Children

What to help your students with working memory? Researchers have explored the association between exercise and working memory and have found that aerobic fitness, muscle strength, and coordination are all associated with working memory. Working memory is an important skills for students for reading, writing, math, following directions, and more. This executive function skills is […]


New Ways to Play Candyland Including Exergaming

Playing board games with children offers learning opportunities to develop counting skills, color recognition, fine motor skills, self regulation and social skills.  Candyland is an all time classic.  It was created in 1948 by Eleanor Abbott, while she was recovering from polio and was tested by the children in the polio wards in the hospital.  The […]

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Physical Exercise and Functional Outcomes in Children with ADHD

The Journal of Attention Disorders published a meta-analysis on the possible beneficial effects of exercise in alleviating ADHD functional outcomes in children.  After searching various databases, 10 studies for a total of 300 participants on the effects of physical exercise on motor skills and executive functions in children with ADHD were included.  The analysis revealed the […]