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Scissor Activity – Mr. Circle’s Haircut

  Here is a scissor activity that children will have so much FUN doing!  This is from a new download the Hair Cutting Sticks packet.   The children can color, cut out the rectangle and start styling Mr. Circle’s hair.  Attach the craft stick and start a puppet show starring Mr. Circle himself!  Make another Mr. […]

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3 FUN Elephant Activities to Practice Fine, Gross and Visual Motor Skills

Here are 3 fun elephant activities to play to practice fine motor, gross motor and visual motor skills.  Big bonus – It is actually Elephant Appreciation Day!  Who knew?  Me! Only because I just heard it on the radio.  Haha!  But it did spark a few ideas for the blog.  So here we go: Copy […]

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Cut, Sequence, Paste and Draw – Dinosaur

Here is a freebie from the latest packet Cut, Sequence, Paste and Draw Dinosaurs.  Children can practice scissor skills, sequencing, gluing and drawing this adorable dinosaur.  If you have a student that loves dinosaurs this is the packet for them! Download the free sample dinosaur page. Get more information about the complete Cut, Sequence, Paste […]

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Pretend Play Mask – Free

Practice scissor skills, coloring and imagination with this freebie to create owl and peacock masks with these pretend play masks for free!  Combine fine motor skills with gross motor skills with this fun activity.  Print the black and white versions of the masks, color the masks and cut them out (an adult can help cut […]

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Firetruck Fine Motor and Visual Motor Game

Download this freebie Firetruck Game to encourage fine motor and visual motor skills.  It is available in color and black and white.  Give each player a board.  Roll one die.  Trace over the number of ladder rungs that you roll.  The first player to trace all the ladder rungs is the winner!  Download the Firetruck […]

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Cut, Sequence and Draw Trucks

Practice scissor skills, sequencing, glueing, following directions and drawing all with this one activity – Cut, Sequence, Paste and Draw Transportation. Download this truck freebie to get started with this no-prep activity. Find out more information on the complete Cut, Sequence, Paste and Draw Transportation Packet. Looking for different themes? Check out Cut, Sequence, Paste […]

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Superhero Match Up Fine Motor and Memory Activity

Challenge fine motor and memory skills with this Superhero Match Up freebie from the Superhero packet.  Print and laminate the page. Using thumb, index and middle finger create small balls of clay. Flatten each ball between thumb and index finger. Place clay over each circle. Player one removes two pieces of clay. If it is a […]

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Fine Motor and Visual Motor Ice Cream Activities

The weather is finally warming up which makes ice cream my new favorite dessert (actually I eat ice cream all year long but I love it even more during the summer time).  Here is a brand new Ice Cream packet that includes fine motor, gross motor, visual perceptual and handwriting practice with an ice cream […]

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Brick Design Activity Pages for School and Home

Here are some sample pages from a great new download “Brick” Activities for School and Home by Michael Callahan, MS, OT.  Created by an OT with 25+ years of experience, these two dimensional designs offer a just right challenge for some students.  Using only 2×2 and 2×4  LEGO® type blocks, children can copy the holiday themed projects, […]