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Fun Ideas for Hand Strengthening Activities for Kids

Looking for some easy, fun ideas for hand strengthening activities for kids that require little to no equipment and no, extensive preparation?  Check out these free sample pages from The Hand Strengthening Handbook.  Who knew you could do so many fun games and activities with donkey kicks?  How about using rubber bands in some creative […]

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Towel Activities from The Core Strengthening Handbook

Here is a sample page of 7 core strengthening activities to do with children using a towel.  You can download it here https://www.yourtherapysource.com/corestrengtheningfreebie.html  The activities are from the electronic book The Core Strengthening Handbook by Lauren Drobnjak, PT and Claire Heffron, OT. The Core Strengthening Handbook –  This download includes 50+ activities including: Quick and Easy Core Strengthening […]

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Norms for Core Strength in Children

Norms for Core Strength in Children

I frequently get asked where you can find norms to measure core strength in children.  As pediatric therapists, we sometimes use supine flexion, prone extension, modified sit ups and push ups as measures of core strength.  I don’t usually refer to the norms for core strength in children but more look at the quality of […]

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Growth Hormone and Motor Development in Children with Prader-Willi

Pediatrics published research on the effects of physical training combined with growth hormone (GH) on muscle thickness and its relationship with muscle strength and motor development in 22 infants with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) followed over 2 years. Muscle thickness was measured using ultrasound.  Muscle strength was assessed using the Infant Muscle Strength meter.  Finally, motor […]

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Whole Body Vibration to Improve Balance/Strength and Down Syndrome

A randomized controlled study was published on 30 children with Down syndrome, where 15 children received physical therapy and 15 children received physical therapy and whole body vibration training. Both groups participated 3x/week for 6 months. The groups underwent stability testing and muscle strength testing before and after the 6 mos of the treatment program. […]

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Association Between Strength and Body Weight in Children

Pediatrics published research on strength and body weight in 1224 US children and adolescents in order to provide reference values on 4 core, upper, and lower body measures of muscle strength and to determine the association between these measures of strength and weight status.  The 4 measures of muscle strength were plank, modified pull-up, knee extension, […]

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Association Between Muscular Strength and Cardiometabolic Risk in Adolescents

Pediatrics published research on the gender-specific independent association between muscular strength and cardiometabolic risk clustering in 1421 children.  The researchers used a principal component analysis to determine the pattern of risk clustering and to derive a continuous aggregate score (MetScore) from various cardiometabolic risk factors (i.e. % body fat, blood pressure, etc), body mass index (BMI), […]

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5 Fine Motor Things to Do with Loom Bands Besides Making Bracelets

Ever wonder what else you could do with loom bands?  Here are 5 suggestions that encourage fine motor skills, visual motor skills and hand strengthening (and none of them are bracelets)!  Get all the directions at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/freeloombands.html [subscribe2]

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Core Stability Training Versus Task Oriented Training

Clinical Rehabilitation published research comparing core stability training versus task oriented training in improving motor proficiency in 22 children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), ages 6-9 years old.  The intervention consisted of one time per week for 8 weeks, face to face sessions of either core stability exercises or task oriented training.  Children in both groups […]

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Strengthening, Body Awareness, Motor Control and More

Looking for a fun, novel activity that encourages muscle strengthening, body awareness, motor control, timing and more?  You have to check out the Stretchy Band™ from BearPawCreek.com.  I was given a free medium size Stretchy Band™ and a Connect-A-Band to use for this blog post.  Each Stretchy Band™ comes in a drawstring bag making it […]