What warms your heart each day? This Winter Mindfulness and Movement Activity will walk your students through a peaceful self-reflection journey on feelings that warm the heart while practicing motor skills and handwriting.
The 13 page PDF digital document will be available electronically immediately following payment.
How Does the Winter Mindfulness and Movement Activity Include?
It includes the following:
- one poster page
- Snow Adventure Movement Story
- Warm Breaths Breathing Exercise
- Warms My Heart Mindful Exercise
- Warm Thoughts Activity Page and Warm Thoughts Cut and Paste Version (color and black and white versions)
- How to Draw Your Own Warm Thoughts Cocoa Mug
- Feelings That Warm My Heart Handwriting Practice Page (color and black and white versions)
- Explain to the students that you are going to participate in a movement and mindfulness activity about warmth in your heart. The room or outdoor space should be peaceful and quiet.
- Read and act out the Snow Adventure story to add movement to the lesson.
- Continue with the Warm Breaths activity reading it out loud and following the directions.
- Complete the Warms My Heart Mindfulness Activity.
- The students can write down their warm thoughts on the hot cocoa page OR write the warm thoughts and cut out the marshmallows to glue on to the cocoa. Select the full color or black and white pages.
- Students can also practice writing complete sentences about feelings that warm their heart.
- OPTIONAL: Hang up the poster and the students responses for display.
Want to Use this Winter Mindfulness and Movement Activity for Distance Learning?
You could screen share the Snow Adventure Story, Warm Breaths and Warms My Heart activity. The students can use their own paper at home and follow the step by step drawing directions to draw your own warm thoughts cocoa mug and marshmallows.
What Skills Does This Activity Address?
The Winter Mindfulness and Movement Activity works on the following skills:
- mindfulness
- deep breathing
- gross motor skills
- handwriting practice
- drawing skills
- self-reflection
- identifying emotions
More Resources for Emotional Regulation and Self-Calming:
5 4 3 2 1 Grounding Technique – Stay Calm
Emotions Interactive Bingo Game