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Student Self Monitoring

Self-monitoring is a step-by-step procedure in which students monitor and self-record their own actions. Download a free worksheet.

Self-regulation is a set of executive functions that allow children to independently monitor, evaluate, and modify their own behavior in different settings. Self-regulation abilities can be taught, practiced, and assessed by the students themselves. These skills have been shown to improve academic as well as behavioral success in the school environment. One strategy used is […]

Self Regulation IEP Goals

If your student has difficulty with self regulation, consider adding a self regulation IEP goals related to this skill.

Self regulation is a critical life skill that many students struggle to achieve. Individuals with poor self regulation skills can find it difficult to complete independent tasks, focus in class, and manage their emotions. If your student has difficulty with self regulation, consider adding a self regulation IEP goals related to this skill. There are […]


Breathing Activities for Kids for Self Regulation

These breathing activities for kids offer easy-to-practice activities for building basic self-regulation in students.

​These breathing activities for kids offer easy-to-practice activities for building basic self-regulation in the body of youngsters and in your classroom or at home. When you connect children to an awareness of how they are breathing and give ways they can change and manage their breath themselves, you give them a life-long tool for healthy self-regulation. […]

Self Regulation Strategies

Educators, parents, and other professionals can provide self-regulation strategies to help their students succeed!

Self-regulation is the ability to focus and prioritize tasks, stay organized and manage time.  It also requires self-awareness. Self-regulation skills help students be more successful academically as well as socially. The ability to self-regulate also influences a student’s behavior. Educators, parents, and other professionals can provide self-regulation strategies to help their students succeed! You can […]


Emotional Regulation for Adults

When it comes to emotional regulation for adults, it is no different. We must work on mastering it daily. Get simple suggestions here.

Teaching self regulation skills to children at home and school is critical for overall development.  These are skills that require explicit instruction and practice. Mindfulness and self-regulation are like motor skills. It takes lots of practice to embody them, especially in a world so high speed and dysregulated.   So, the more kids play and experiment […]

How to Improve Impulse Control in Children

Educators, therapists, and parents can learn some simple tips on how to improve impulse control in children.

Impulse control is an essential skill for children to develop. It involves the ability to inhibit one’s actions and wait until a more appropriate time. For example, waiting until they are calm to prevent acting impulsively. Educators, therapists, and parents can learn some simple tips on how to improve impulse control in children. This skill […]


3 Focus Exercises for Kids

You can nurture its development by providing fun and compelling focus exercises for kids that require children to sustain their focus.

The ability to focus grows along with a child’s ability to self-regulate, and is just as important for both social and academic success. You can nurture its development by providing fun and compelling focus exercises for kids that require children to sustain their focus. Remember – the act of focusing is a body-mind coordination and […]