Free Handwriting Worksheets for Early Learners

Handwriting and letter recognition are essential skills that lay the foundation for reading and writing success. These free handwriting worksheets for early learners, developed by a certified occupational therapy assistant and a special educator, provide structured practice to help students develop fine motor coordination, letter formation, and visual discrimination. Designed for preschool and early elementary […]

Exercise and Inhibitory Control in Preschoolers

The preschool years are a critical period for developing physical, motor, and cognitive skills. These skills are interconnected, forming the basis for success in school, social relationships, and lifelong health. Recent research highlights the importance of physical activity in fostering motor competence and cognitive processes such as inhibitory control—a key component of executive functioning. Learn […]

How to Support Inclusion for Children with Disabilities in the Community

Creating inclusive communities where children with disabilities can participate benefits everyone. Inclusion ensures that every child, regardless of ability, has the opportunity to participate in community activities and feel a sense of belonging. Supporting inclusion for children with disabilities in the community involves understanding their unique needs, building on their strengths, and addressing potential barriers. […]


Valentine’s Brain Break – Free PDF for Movement and Music

This Valentine’s Brain Break is a super fun activity that combines music, movement, and literacy. The free printable PDF packet great for classrooms, therapy sessions, or even at home. You can use this packet with or without screens to encourage reading, gross motor skills, and coordination! Download the FREE Valentine’s Brain Break packet at the […]


Let’s Draw Hair Prewriting and Following Directions Free Printable

The Let’s Draw Hair activity is a fun and creative way to practice prewriting skills and following directions. This engaging printable is ideal for occupational therapy sessions, classroom activities, or even indoor recess. Kids will love drawing unique hairstyles on cartoon faces while improving important skills. You can download it for free at the bottom […]

IEP Data Collection for Young Children in the Special Education Classroom

Efficient IEP data collection is critical for tracking progress and ensuring young children in special education classrooms receive the best support. However, challenges like time constraints and unclear systems often make this task daunting. By adopting a team-based approach, educators and related service providers can streamline this process, saving time and improving outcomes. Here’s how […]

Movement Interventions for Autism: What Does the Research Say?

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder often face challenges beyond the hallmark social and communication difficulties, including gross and fine motor impairments. Recent research highlights the critical role of movement interventions for autism in addressing these challenges. For pediatric occupational and physical therapists, understanding and implementing these interventions can make a significant difference in supporting children […]