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Pre Writing Lines – Free Practice Worksheets

Practicing pre-writing lines are an important skill to get children ready for handwriting letters. This FREE download (at the bottom of the post) provides bold lines to help children practice pre-writing strokes. Why is it Important to Practice Pre Writing Lines? Pre-writing skills are necessary to master in the early years for many important reasons. […]

Feedback Frequency with Children

What do you think is the best feedback frequency with children when learning a motor task?  Previous research with adults indicates that providing feedback 100% of the time when learning a new task is less effective than when less feedback is provided.  In addition, previous research has indicated that children with cerebral palsy benefit from […]


Fine Motor Skills and Math

Fine motor skills and math abilities in children have been investigated by researchers to determine their associations with one another.

Fine motor skills and math abilities in children have been investigated by researchers to determine their associations with one another. Do fine motor skill abilities effect the development of math skills? Is the development of math skills associated with fine motor skill development? Fine Motor Skills as a Predictor of Math Skills One study examined […]

Self-Regulation Activities for Elementary Students When Stressed or Emotional

By teaching self-regulation activities for elementary students they can be taught to self calm and get their minds and bodies ready to learn.

Are in search of easy to implement self-regulation activities for elementary students? When we, or our kids, are “triggered” and stuck in distress, worry, upset, anger, frustration, trauma, we are dis-integrated.  There’s a thought, or feeling, or memory that has hijacked us and is running the show, preventing us from thinking clearly or behaving appropriately. […]


What is Graded Movement and How You Can Help

There are many reasons why a child may have difficulties with graded movement or using the right amount of force when performing motor skills.  You might hear someone say “they have difficulty with grading their movements” or an Occupational Therapist might say “decreased force modulation”. What is Graded Movement? Basically, graded movements are when a […]

Why is Recess Important?

As school based therapists, we are often asked why is recess important? Often times we try to educate school staff on why withholding recess from students can be detrimental.

As school based therapists, we are often asked why is recess important? Often times we try to educate school staff on why withholding recess from students can be detrimental. If you want to help students in the classroom? Add recess time! Evidence indicates that higher levels of physical activity at recess were related to better […]